Getting tested for HIV is a good thing, it helps you keeping track on your sexual health. But for many people an HIV test it is not easy avaliable. Lousy opening hours or remote clinics is a reality for many gays in Sweden. Real HIV home testing kits are avaliable in the UK but they are not avaliable here in Sweden. And buying on-line is a risky business, you never know if the HIV home test kit is a real one or a fake. That is one reason why The Sexperts does not recommend HIV home testing in Sweden at the moment.
If the opening hours at your nearest clinic is not working out for you, do call and try to see if you can get an appointment which suits you. And also, getting tested in Sweden is always free of charge.
And oh! There are free home testing kits for chlamydia avaliable for people living in Stockholm. If you have a “bankID”, you can order one free of charge from Vårdguiden. The text is in Swedish, maybe you can find someone who can translate it for you!