Using a condom is an effective way of reducing the risk of HIV transmission and of many other types of STIs. Condoms give you the freedom to have great sex…
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No matter if you have anal or vaginal sex, lubrication usually makes the sex more comfortable. It's reducing the risk of minor wounds and injuries on the mucous membranes inside…
Read moreSYMPTOMS Syphilis does not have any symptoms to begin with, so you could have the infection without realizing. Visible symptoms arise in the form of small painless sores on or…
Read moreThere are two different kinds of herpes: Oral herpes and genital herpes. Herpes is a viral infection and both variants are very common in Sweden. It’s estimated that between 70…
Read moreHepatitis is caused by a virus that attacks the liver and causes inflammation. There are various viruses that cause different types of hepatitis (Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E and…
Read moreGonorrhea is an infection caused by bacteria, and it can be found in the penis, vagina, anus and throat. Not everyone who has gonorrhea has visible or perceptible symptoms, but…
Read moreHOW IS CHLAMYDIA PASSED ON? Chlamydia is passed on through most types of sexual contact including oral sex, vaginal sex and anal sex. The infection can also be transmitted by…
Read moreHIV is an infection that can be, among other ways, transmitted during sex, and also by a variety of sexual practices. It is classified as a chronic infection because there…
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